2016 Data Release
More than half of the ABMI's 2015 data can now be downloaded from our public website.
CONTINUE READINGABMI releases new report on the status of biodiversity in the Prairie Region of Alberta
Latest numbers show 37% of the Prairie Region of Alberta remains as native vegetation. Biggest ecological change: species that require native prairie habitat have lower-than-expected abundance.
CONTINUE READINGThe ABMI's Monitoring Centre Radio Stars!
The ABMI collects biodiversity data at 1,656 sites across the province of Alberta. It’s a massive undertaking and requires intense preparation and organization – but who’s behind the ABMI’s Monitoring Centre? Exactly how do they go about collecting biodiversity data, and how do they ensure...
CONTINUE READINGOnline Report Highlights Environmental Monitoring in Alberta's Oil Sands Region
Together with the Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) and monitoring organizations in the oil sands region, the ABMI is pleased to announce the launch of an electronic community report featuring information and results related to environmental monitoring...
CONTINUE READINGNew ABMI Report: Latest Assessment of Biodiversity Health in an Alberta Forest Management Agreement Area Shows Intactness at 94%
A new ABMI report—The Status of Biodiversity in Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Forest Management Agreement Area—examines how the current condition of biodiversity and human footprint changed in the Al-Pac Forest Management Agreement (Al-Pac FMA) area between 1999 and 2012. This new...
CONTINUE READINGInnovation Anthology Profiles ABMI Geospatial Centre
The ABMI’s mission is to track changes in Alberta’s wildlife and their habitats from border to border, and provide relevant scientifically credible information on Alberta’s biodiversity. We do this in part by surveying biodiversity in the field across a systematic grid of sites.
CONTINUE READINGABMI celebrates the release of Adapt-action – a new tool to help municipalities adapt to climate change
For municipalities facing risks, like flooding and wildfire, due to ongoing climate change, natural ecosystems may play a key role in reducing these risks while providing other benefits too.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases Status of Biodiversity Reports on the Upper Peace and Lower Peace Regions of Alberta
Today, the ABMI releases its latest reports, first-of-its-kind analyses of the current condition of biodiversity and human footprint in the Upper Peace Region (UPR) and Lower Peace Region (LPR) of Alberta.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases New Human Footprint Data for Alberta
The ABMI has released a new version of ABMI’s Human Footprint Inventory for Alberta. The inventory is version three of the Wall-to-Wall Human Footprint (HF) in the province for 2012 and data is now available online.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases Historical Orthophotos of Alberta: New Insight into Alberta’s Changing Landscapes
Thanks to historical aerial photography and contemporary data analysis, Alberta now has a unique insight into the character of Alberta’s landscapes and townscapes over half a century ago. Historical orthophotos of Alberta (circa 1950-60) are now being released to the public for the first time...