The Richness of Alberta
The ABMI surveys biodiversity across the beautiful and expansive province of Alberta– across the boreal forest, mountain ranges, grasslands, prairie, wetland, and everything in between. Of course along the way we see countless species (actually we do our best to count them quite exactly)– large and small, flying and swimming, and those that happen to walk across our paths. We are excited to share some exquisite photography that gives just a small indication of the richness of biodiversity that can be found here.
We want to encourage everyone to get outside as much as possible and get familiar with the natural world around them. Photography is a fantastic way to do this. For this reason we host an annual photo contest celebrating our species and habitats.
We would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge all the photographers who have contributed to this website.
Photo Credits
- Background photo: Parker Ridge, Banff National Park by Janine Rietz
- Coyote by Hal Brindley
What is Biodiversity? / Biodiversity in Alberta / Biodiversity Matters / Biodiversity & Climate Change
- Illustrations by Amanda Schutz, Woodward Design
You Manage What you Measure
- Infographic collaboration: ABMI and FREE
- Illustrations by Amanda Schutz, Woodward Design
About Us
- Landslide Lake near Nordegg by Janine Rietz
Executive Message
- Black Capped Chickadee by Chris Kolaczan
Our Vision, Mission, Principles & Values
- Wetland Field Technician in northeast Alberta by Caitlin Willier
Governance & Funding
- Beaver by BMJ (Shutterstock)
Organization & Centres
- Bearberry and lichen by Roger Asbury
- About the ABMI video by Jeff Allen Productions Inc.
Our History
- Mossy log in Jasper National Park by Jason Johnston
Management Team
- Harebell in the Crowsnest Pass by Amy Nixon
Biodiversity Intactness Index
- Canada Lynx by Stephen Kull
Benefits of the ABMI
- Running through Wilcox Pass, Jasper National Park by Bryant DeRoy
Requests for Proposals
- Cladonia lichen near Conklin by Ashley Hillman
What We Do
- Wetland near Castor by Kirstan Tereschyn
- Bird survey near Drayton Valley by David Evans
Trend Monitoring
- Sparrow near Fort Vermilion by Kirsten Tereschyn
Targeted Monitoring
- Wetland survey by Sonya Poller
- Inspecting Tullgren funnel by the ABMI
- Sorting bryophytes in the Processing Centre by the ABMI
- Dr. Diane Haughland, ABMI Lichenologist by Beau Desaulniers
- Tullgren funnels at the Royal Alberta Museum Processing Centre by the ABMI
- Oribatella abmi mite by David Walters, Royal Alberta Museum
Scientific Analysis
- Round-leaved Sundew by Amy Nixon
- Bird Recorder by ABMI
Geomatics & Human Footprint
- Wheat field by Brandon Smith
- GIS imagery/analysis and Dr. Greg McDermid with drone by the ABMI
- Bryce Maynes with 3D imagery goggles by the ABMI
Communications, Access & Data Management
- Barn Swallow by Craig Harding
- Prairie Conservation Forum meeting by Tom Habib
- Administrative Assistant Pamela Foster at the Calgary Stampede Cattle Trail by the ABMI
- Land Access Coordinator, Elyse Williams, at Nature Alberta Family Nature Night by Amy Nixon
Stakeholder Engagement
- Well site in winter by Ekina (Shutterstock)
Applied Research
- Alberta foothills by Brandon Smith
- Mule Deer near Jenner by Guillaume Gingras
- Helicopter by Janice Kwo
BMCCA Project
- Alberta foothills by Brandon Smith
ESA Project
- Wetland north of Lake Athabasca by Nils Anderson
ERM Project
- Aerial image of forested well pad by Pembina Institute
- Pipeline by Jim Herbers
- Pumpjack by Arnold Janz
- Regenerating Seismic Line by Kendal Benesh
- Fieldwork in grasslands by Anne McIntosh
- Fieldwork in the boreal by Lindsay Monk
- Unmanned aerial vehicle
- Field team in the rain by Andrew Underwood
Rare Animals Project
- Great Horned Owl by artcphotos (Shutterstock)
Rare Plants Project
- Iowa Golden Saxifrage by Tim Chipchar
Caribou Monitoring
- Caribou by Rob Buchanan
Cumulative Effects Project
- Otter by Matt Knoth
Products & Services
- Bioacoustic Monitoring by Daniel Yip
- Yellow's Lady Slipper by Bryant De Roy
Land Access
- Foothills by Lundbreck, AB by Varina Crisfield
News & Events
- Speakers' Series - Wetland survey by Sonya Poller
- Rare Plants - Sundew by Max Sudakov
Partners & Sponsors
- Moss on the Canadian Shield by Kate Tucker
Contact Us
- Helicopter at Richardson Dunes by Nils Anderson
Contact Us / ABMI Directory / Media Inquiries
- Thirteen Lines Ground Squirrel near Sedalia by Guillaume Gingras
Privacy Policy
- Swainson’s Hawk by Sarah Jessop
Terms of Use
- Monitoring in the Field by Monica Kohler
Our Photos
- Moth by Elyse Williams
- Buffaloberry by ABMI
Past Issues
- Vesper Sparrow by Elaine Kennedy