The ABMI is moving toward an online report format that allows for frequent and regular updates of ABMI data, including annual updates of human footprint data for defined regions of the province, and state of environment reporting for administrative units.
The Online Reporting on Biodiversity tool allows users to create customized reports for their own area of interest. Users can select from a menu of land cover and biodiversity metrics, such as human footprint and biodiversity intactness, and receive a summarized biodiversity fact sheet for a defined region.

Online Reporting for Biodiversity Tool
The ORB tool is a platform for generating biodiversity and land cover reports for different areas in Alberta, including natural regions, watershed boundaries, and municipalities or counties.

Wetland Atlas of Alberta
The Wetland Atlas describes the distribution of wetlands in Alberta and by ecoregion, summarizes human disturbance in catchments, and also includes research spotlights on wetland biodiversity.

Status of Land Cover and Biodiversity in Norbord Inc.'s Operating Areas
Describes the status of human footprint, species, and habitat in Norbord Inc.'s operating areas in northwestern Alberta, establishing baseline conditions for indicators of land cover and biodiversity that can be used to measure long-term forest health.

The Status of Human Footprint in Alberta
Describes the status and trend of human footprint as well as the density of linear features throughout Alberta, from border to border. Provides an overview of human footprint at the provincial scale but also breaks down the information by Natural Region, Land-use Framework Planning Region, and Oil Sands Region. Results are updated annually.

Status of Land Cover & Biodiversity in the Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Forest Management Agreement Area
Describes the status of human footprint, species, and habitat in the Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. FMA area in northeastern Alberta. This is the third status report completed by the ABMI for this FMA area.