ABMI celebrates the release of Adapt-action – a new tool to help municipalities adapt to climate change
For municipalities facing risks, like flooding and wildfire, due to ongoing climate change, natural ecosystems may play a key role in reducing these risks while providing other benefits too.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases Status of Biodiversity Reports on the Upper Peace and Lower Peace Regions of Alberta
Today, the ABMI releases its latest reports, first-of-its-kind analyses of the current condition of biodiversity and human footprint in the Upper Peace Region (UPR) and Lower Peace Region (LPR) of Alberta.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases New Human Footprint Data for Alberta
The ABMI has released a new version of ABMI’s Human Footprint Inventory for Alberta. The inventory is version three of the Wall-to-Wall Human Footprint (HF) in the province for 2012 and data is now available online.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Releases Historical Orthophotos of Alberta: New Insight into Alberta’s Changing Landscapes
Thanks to historical aerial photography and contemporary data analysis, Alberta now has a unique insight into the character of Alberta’s landscapes and townscapes over half a century ago. Historical orthophotos of Alberta (circa 1950-60) are now being released to the public for the first time...
CONTINUE READINGABMI & Alberta Science Network Partner for Wetland Presentations in Edmonton Schools
The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) has recently partnered with Alberta Science Network (ASN) to provide engaging, hands-on (grade 5) Wetland Ecosystems presentation to Edmonton schools.
CONTINUE READINGBetter Environmental Management Through Monitoring
The ABMI hosts its 2nd annual Speakers' Series “Better Environmental Management Through Monitoring 2015”!