Quality Management System
The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) collects data on a range of environmental attributes that are used as scientifically credible indicators of environmental health in Alberta. This is an extremely valuable source of data for the province and, as such, it is important to ensure the data are of known quality.
The ABMI has developed a quality management plan (QMP), which describes the processes that govern quality assurance, and quality control activities and products. The ABMI QMP:
- outlines information quality objectives for each ABMI business unit (Centre);
- describes how each Centre plans, implements, documents, assesses, and improves its quality system to meet quality objectives;
- provides a means to document and verify the quality of information being produced, and;
- provides guidance to program personnel to meet quality objectives.
ABMI (2022). Quality Management Plan. Version 2022-01-31.
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a foundational component of the ABMI’s QMP. SOPs outline in detail program personnel responsibilities and the processes each Centre follows to meet quality objectives. Please note that as part of the process of continual improvement, the ABMI develops and updates SOPs as required. These will be posted as they become available.
If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the ABMI’s Quality Management System, QMP, or SOPs please contact Corrina Copp, ABMI Information Coordinator, (780) 492-3316 or copp1@ualberta.ca.
List of ABMI SOP Documents
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Quality Management Plan, Version 1.2. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
The objective of this document is to describe the ABMI quality management system as it relates to all data collection and processing activities, data analysis, and the production of associated data products.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Camera Trap Image Processing, Version 3.3. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of uploading and storing camera trap images from Reconyx® camera traps and outlines the image tagging process for species captured.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) ABMI Public Document Archive Policy and Procedure, Version 2018-05-17. Policy, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This policy guides the content and use of ABMI’s public document archive.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Updating Metadata, Version 1.2. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the procedures associated with updating and maintaining the first two parts of ABMI metadata i.e. written methods, and metadata for whole data sets.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Taxonomic Workbench, Version 1.2. User Guide, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This document is a simple guide to familiarize taxonomic experts with the ABMI’s Taxonomic Workbench (TWB).
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Submitting Field Collected Data to FWMIS and ACIMS, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with the submission of field collected, WildTrax and NatureLynx wildlife data to FWMIS and ACIMS annually.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Sharing of License Restricted Geospatial Data, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the considerations and steps associated with the release of proprietary or confidential data either created by the ABMI or used by the ABMI but acquired via a data sharing agreement.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Guidance for Preparing SOPs, Version 1.4. Standard Operating Procedure. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This guidance document describes the structure, format, and content requirements of SOPs produced by the ABMI.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Camera Trap Image Processing, Version 1.3. User Guide, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This user guide assists users in the use of the camera trap image processing website, outlining step-by-step instructions. This document supports the existing Standard Operating Procedures (ABMI-IC-SOP-014) that are to be followed when processing remote camera images.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Bird Recording and Site Photo Receiving, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with receiving digital photos and audio files collected during ABMI field activities.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Data Screening for Species of Management Concern, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with screening ABMI’s raw data before public release to check for possible findings of management concern.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (2017) ABMI Mandatory Vascular Plant Specimen Collection: Criteria Used to Determine Collection Lists, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the criteria used and steps taken to create the mandatory vascular plant voucher list which is uploaded to the tablets.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Taxonomic Workbench, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the procedures taxonomic experts follow to review and verify records within the ABMI’s taxonomic workbench. The taxonomic workbench is a database created to track and update taxonomic information associated with species data collected using ABMI protocols.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Tablet Data Receiving, Data Verification and Cleaning, and Data Loading, Version 1.2. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with data receiving, data verification and cleaning, and data loading of ABMI raw data that is received in the form of files exported from field tablets.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Public Release of ABMI Photos, Version 1.3. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the procedures associated with the review and release of photo archive images, data photos, and camera traps.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Metadata Workbench, Version 1.0. User Guide, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This document is a simple guide to familiarize users with the ABMI’s Metadata Workbench (MWB).
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Field Data Quality Assessment and Control, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with data verification and cleaning of ABMI raw data after the amalgamation of tablet data files.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Documented Information Version Control, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP concentrates on the procedures associated with the steps taken to ensure version control procedures are implemented for quality management documented information.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Approving the Limited Release of Confidential ABMI Site Locations, Version 1.5. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This standard operating procedure (SOP) describes the steps to be taken for the approved, secure distribution of ABMI core and off-grid site locations to organizations and individuals both internal and external.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Template, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
Standardized template used by all Centres to create an SOP.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2013) Personnel Access Management, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps of manage access and security of ABMI resources.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2013) Manual Data Receiving, Data Verification and Cleaning and Data Loading, Version 1.3. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with data receiving, data verification and cleaning, and data loading of ABMI raw data that is received from the Monitoring and Processing Centres in the form of Excel files.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2012) ABMI Data Modification and Auditing, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP provides guidelines on how to make changes to the core ABMI datasets.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2011) Preparation for Website Synchronization, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the procedures required to prepare for website synchronization. This SOP is implemented annually after raw data has undergone Phase 1 and Phase 2 quality control procedures and is approved for public release.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2011) Electronic Information Security, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the procedures associated with maintaining electronic information security within the Information Centre (IC).
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2011) Data Contamination and Error Resolution, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the procedures associated with detecting potential sources of data contamination (e.g. outliers, logic errors, location errors) and the error resolution process.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2011) Information Backup, Storage and Archiving, Version 1.2. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the procedures for the backup, storage, and archiving of digital information by the ABMI IC including information from other ABMI Centres that is maintained at the University of Alberta.
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Wetland Field Data Collection Protocols (Abridged Version), Version 2018-05-07. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document summarizes all wetland protocols, including an overview of data collection, site selection, and establishment. -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Terrestrial Field Data Collection Protocols (Abridged Version), Version 2018-05-07. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document summarizes all terrestrial protocols, including an overview of data collection, site selection, and establishment. -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Creating Access Maps, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of generating consistent access maps for ground and helicopter access to ABMI core and off grid sites using ArcGIS. -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Selecting Camera and ARU Points, Version 1.1. Standard Operating
Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This document describes the process of selecting camera and ARU deployment locations where landscape features or private property restrictions prevent use of default deployment locations. -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Post-Season Data Verification for Terrestrial and Aquatic Protocols, Version 2.4. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of verifying field data after data has been collected (i.e. post field season). -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Field Data Quality Assessment and Control, Version 1.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the steps associated with data verification and cleaning of ABMI raw data after the amalgamation of tablet data files. - Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Naming Process for Core Sites and Off Grid sites, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
Consistent and informative site naming is important for database management and for information longevity. This document outlines the process followed for naming ABMI core sites, revisited core sites, and off-grid sites.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Camera and ARU Deployment and Retrieval Process, Version 02-09-2015. Standard Operating Procedure. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of setting up camera and ARU stations during winter deployment and during summer retrieval.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2014) Field Verification for Terrestrial and Wetland Protocols, Version 1.4. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of conducting data collection assessments during the field season to ensure protocol compliance and high quality data collection.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2014) Processing Mineral Soil Samples, Version 2014-10-30. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected mineral soil is processed in a laboratory setting.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2014) Processing Tree Core Samples, Version 2014-10-30. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This report describes the methods presently being used by the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) to process tree cores collected at terrestrial sites.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2013) In-Season Data Verification for Terrestrial and Aquatic Protocols, Version 1.1.
Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP describes the process of verifying data during the field season. This process is expected to take place at the end of each shift.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2010) Wetland Site Selection Procedure, Version Fall 2010. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Alberta Wall-to-Wall Vegetation Layer Including “Backfilled” Vegetation in Human Footprints (Version 6). Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document describes the wall-to-wall Vegetation Layer created by the ABMI through the amalgamation of existing information on vegetation, habitat, and soil throughout Alberta.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) ABMI Species Website Manual, Version: 2017-10-06. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This manual serves as background material for individual species results available from the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI). The document describes the content, methods, and limitations/caveats associated with species results.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Wetland – Spatial Data – GIS Processing for Wetland Habitat and Human Footprint, Version 1.3. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
The ABMI conducts wetland surveys throughout Alberta at randomly selected wetland within 10km of each ABMI terrestrial site. This SOP describes the process to be followed for summarizing wetland habitat and Human Footprint (HF) data associated with wetlands using GIS.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Wall-to-Wall Natural Cover Layers and Human Footprint Edge Buffer Layers, Version 1.0 - Metadata. Metadata, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Effective Mesh Size Layers, Version 1.0 - Metadata. Metadata, Alberta
Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2014) Winter Snow Tracking – Spatial Data – GIS Processing, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
The ABMI conducts winter surveys to detect tracks of mid- to large sized mammals. This SOP describes the process to be followed for summarizing Human Footprint (HF) data associated with Winter Snow Tracking.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2014) Manual for Species Modeling and Intactness, Version 2014-09-25. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document details the statistical methods used to produce models of the relationship of species and habitat elements to natural vegetation types, human footprint and climate and geographical gradients, and to derive current and reference conditions.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2012) Manual for Reporting Human Footprint, Version 2012-03-26. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document details how ABMI assesses and reports on the status of human footprint, based on remote sensing and information collected during field sampling.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Terrestrial Field Data Collection Protocols (Abridged Version), Version 2018-05-07. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document summarizes all terrestrial protocols, including an overview of data collection, site selection, and establishment.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Lichen Processing, Taxonomy and Conservation, Version 2.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This document describes the procedures, training, and resource materials used to process, conserve and identify lichens for the ABMI.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Laboratory Protocols for Processing Bryophytes, Version 2018-04-30.
Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected bryophytes are processed in a laboratory setting including sorting, identification and data verification.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2018) Bryophyte Processing, Taxonomy and Conservation, Version 2.0. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected bryophytes are processed in a laboratory setting.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Quality Assurance Procedures for Aquatic Invertebrate Sorting, Identification, and Data Verification, Version 2017-05-19. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected aquatic invertebrates are processed in a laboratory setting, including sorting, identification, and data verification.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Processing Vascular Plants, Version 1.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected vascular plants are processed in a laboratory setting including sorting, identification and data verification.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Taxonomic Workbench, Version 1.2. User Guide, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This document is a simple guide to familiarize taxonomic experts with the ABMI’s Taxonomic Workbench (TWB).
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) Specimen Verification Summary. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2012) Taxonomic Workbench. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the procedures taxonomic experts follow to review and verify records within the ABMI’s taxonomic workbench. The taxonomic workbench is a database created to track and update taxonomic information associated with species data collected using ABMI protocols.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2010) Processing Water Samples, Version 2010-11-18. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected water samples are processed in a laboratory setting.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2010) Laboratory Protocols for Processing Lichens, Version 2010-05-31. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP outlines in detail how field collected lichens are processed in a laboratory setting including sorting, identification and data verification.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (2009) Processing Mites (Oribatids) and Springtails (Collembola), Version 2009-04-28. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document outlines the training, procedures, and resource materials used to process and identify mites and springtails for the ABMI.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute & Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. (2015) Ecological Recovery Monitoring of Certified Reclaimed Wellsites in Alberta - Field Data Collection Protocols for Cultivated Lands, Version 2015-08-19. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document provides a description of sampling protocols for selected vegetation and soil indicators for certified reclaimed wellsites in cultivated lands.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute & Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. (2014) Ecological Recovery Monitoring of Certified Wellsites in Alberta - Selection of Indicators and Indicator Field Data Collection Protocols, Version 2014-04-22. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document provides a description of sampling protocols for selected vegetation and soil indicators for certified reclaimed wellsites in forested lands.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute & Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. (2014) Terrestrial Rare Vascular Plant Field Data Collection Protocol for the Lower Athabasca Region, Version 2014-05-07. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document provides detailed protocols for rare vascular plant surveys conducted in the Lower Athabasca Region of Alberta through the Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca (EMCLA).
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute & Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. (2014) Ecological Recovery Monitoring of Certified Reclaimed Wellsites in Alberta - Field Data Collection Protocols for Forested Lands, Version 2014-05-26. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document provides a description of sampling protocols for selected vegetation and soil indicators for certified reclaimed wellsites in forested lands.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute & Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. (2014) Ecological Recovery Monitoring of Certified Reclaimed Wellsites in Alberta - Field Data Collection Protocols for Native Grasslands, Version 2014-05-14. Field Protocol, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This document provides a description of sampling protocols for selected vegetation and soil indicators for certified reclaimed wellsites in native grasslands.
- Castilla, G., Hird, J., Maynes, B. & McDermid, G.J. (2016) ABMI Photo-Plot Interpretation Manual, Version 2.4.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
The ABMI photo plot program converts high-resolution aerial photographs into detailed representations of land cover information, such as vegetation type, infrastructure, etc. This SOP describes processes of how soft copy technology and digitizing platforms are used to accurately map a baseline of the ABMI 3x7 km photo plots.
- Castilla, G., Crane, D., Hird, J., Maynes, B. & McDermid, G.J. (2016) ABMI Photo-Plot Data Model, Version 2.4.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2017) Human Footprint Inventory Metadata. Metadata, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2016) ABMI Photo-Plot Interpretation Quality Control Manual, Version 2.4.1. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: abmi.ca.
This SOP provides guidance, in particular quantitative criteria, for auditing ABMI photo-plots.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Wetland – Spatial Data – GIS Processing for Wetland Habitat and Human Footprint, Version 1.3. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
The ABMI conducts wetland surveys throughout Alberta at randomly selected wetland within 10km of each ABMI terrestrial site. This SOP describes the process to be followed for summarizing wetland habitat and Human Footprint (HF) data associated with wetlands using GIS.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Human Footprint Wall-to-Wall. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the process followed to use satellite imagery to create and/or verify individual GIS layers, and manually interpret and delineate HF at a 1:15,000 m scale.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Human Footprint 3x7. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the process followed to use satellite imagery to create and/or verify individual GIS layers, and manually interpret and delineate HF at a 1:5,000 m scale.
- Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. (2015) Alberta Base Feature Updates. Standard Operating Procedure, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Internal Report.
This SOP outlines the processes followed to update base features using satellite imagery to digitize and delineate points and lines.
- Lankau, H. (2017) Autonomous Recording Unit Deployment Protocol SM2, SM3 and SM4 Models of Song Meters. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta & Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca.
This protocol outlines step-by-step instructions for deploying SM2, SM3, and SM4 Autonomous Recording Units in forested, grassland, and wetland areas.
- Lankau, H., MacPhail, A., Knaggs, M. & Bayne, E. (2017) Acoustic Recording Analysis Protocol. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta; Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca
This protocol describes how the BU processes acoustic data into tabular data, how to manage acoustic data, and how to enter the data into a database.
- Lankau, H. (2016) SongMeter (SM3) Maintenance Protocol. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta and Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca
This protocol provides best practices for maintaining SM3 Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) used for remote monitoring. The protocol also provides a checklist for inspection.
- Lankau, H. (2016) SongMeter (SM2) Maintenance Protocol. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta & Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca
This protocol provides best practices for maintaining SM2 Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) used for remote monitoring. The protocol also provides a checklist for inspection.
- McLeod, L. (2016) Bioacoustic Unit Recognizer Protocol.
Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta and Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca
This documentl provides information on running the 11 automatic recognizer files for processing ARU recordings.
- Lankau, H., MacPhail, A., Knaggs, M. & Bayne, E. (2015) Acoustic Recording Analysis Protocol. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta and Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca.
This protocol describes how the BU processes acoustic data into tabular data, how to manage acoustic data, and how to enter the data into a database.
- Lankau, H. (2015) Bioacoustic Unit Sensitivity Testing Protocol Version 2015-12-01. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta and Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Edmonton, Alberta. Internal Report
- Lankau, H. (2015) Autonomous Recording Unit (ARU) Deployment Protocol, Version 2015-05-01. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta & Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta, Canada. Report available at: bioacoustic.abmi.ca.
This protocol provides details on all aspects of the use of Song Meter brand ARUs, from programming to field deployment and data storage.
- Bioacoustic Unit. (2015) ARU Data Handling Protocol. Bioacoustic Unit, University of Alberta & Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, Alberta. Internal Report.
This document provides clear instructions on how to keep data secure and avoid post-recording data loss.