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Rare Plants & Rare Animals Factsheets Released


The ABMI monitors biodiversity across the province of Alberta. We track changes in groups of common plants and animals in order to understand how their populations might be changing over time.

The ABMI monitors biodiversity across the province of Alberta. We track changes in groups of common plants and animals in order to understand how their populations might be changing over time. But how do you monitor rare or elusive species, some of which are only active at night? What about rare plants that aren’t easily captured by the ABMI’s monitoring protocols?

To solve these challenges and inform our understanding of the status and trend of rare plants and rare animals, we’ve partnered with research collaborators and industry to develop two monitoring programs: the ABMI’s Rare Plants and Rare Animals projects! Both of these projects have designed protocols to monitor rare species in northeastern Alberta and are using innovative technologies and mapping techniques to improve our understanding of these species’ habitat preferences and distribution.

Learn more about the Rare Plants and Rare Animals projects by downloading our new factsheets.

Rare Plants Factsheet Rare Animals Factsheet

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