Better Environmental Management Through Monitoring
The ABMI hosts its 2nd annual Speakers' Series “Better Environmental Management Through Monitoring 2015”!
Join the ABMI’s staff, collaborating researchers, and partner organizations for an engaging morning of presentations and discussion at the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences lecture theatre at the University of Alberta. Our emcee, Brian Keating, host of Going Wild, will guide you through various presentations.
The ABMI is a leader in biodiversity monitoring. Across the province of Alberta, the ABMI monitors and reports on the status and trend of Alberta’s species, habitat, and human footprint. This event will showcase the breadth of the ABMI’s program, from monitoring through to applications, as well as the depth of our research.
For more information, or to RSVP for this free event contact Lindsay Monk at lmonk<at> or Tara Narwani at tnarwani<at> We welcome additional guests and a luncheon will be served.