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Introducing Alberta's Wetland Atlas


A first-of-its-kind interactive report on the status and biodiversity of Alberta's amazing wetlands.

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of the Wetland Atlas of Alberta, a first-of-its-kind effort to present the results of our wetland monitoring programs in an integrated, interactive, Open-Access online report. This comprehensive new resource includes province-wide inventories of wetland habitat developed by the ABMI and data collected by the ABMI over the past decade on Alberta's wetland species.

Wetlands are essential to the natural fabric of Alberta, accounting for more than 21% of our province’s surface area. From water purification and drought mitigation to carbon storage, wildlife habitat, and human recreation, they provide extraordinary value to all Albertans. Our hope is that, in bringing together wetland mapping and species information in a convenient format, the resources in the Wetland Atlas will help to empower Alberta’s land managers and support Wetland Policy implementation and other resource management priorities. Plus, we think wetlands are simply interesting to explore and learn more about, and we hope that the Wetland Atlas will be of value to naturalists and any other "wetland curious" Albertans!

Presented in an easy-to-navigate online format, the Wetland Atlas includes interactive maps for the current distribution of wetlands in the forested, prairie, and mountain regions of Alberta. It also presents detailed distribution, species, and human footprint information for wetlands across the province, plus the first release of ABMI invertebrate data and spotlights on emerging techniques like environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring.

Over time, the Wetland Atlas will be updated to reflect the latest understanding, and incorporate information from other wetland data providers and practitioners as it becomes available. It’s a living resource, and a testament to the shared interest in understanding and stewarding Alberta’s incredible—and incredibly important—wetlands.

View the Wetland Atlas at

Free webinar: Meet the new Wetland Atlas

On March 21, 2023, ABMI Wetland Ecologist Jenet Dooley, Geospatial Scientist Jen Hird, and Knowledge Translation Specialist Sydney Toni introduced the Wetland Atlas of Alberta. The webinar included a complete tour of the Wetland Atlas, plus outline past research contributing to the development of the report, and our vision for future iterations. There will be time for discussion and questions following the presentations. Watch the recording on our YouTube channel:

Media Information

Dr. Jenet Dooley, ABMI Wetland Ecologist
Tel: (780) 492-9450

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