ABMI in the News: Hunting Moose to Save Caribou from Wolves
New research by the ABMI's Caribou Monitoring Unit, led by Robert Serrouya has been featured in various news publications....
New research by the ABMI's Caribou Monitoring Unit (CMU), led by Robert Serrouya, has been featured in various news publications. The paper "Experimental moose reduction lowers wolf density and stops decline of endangered caribou" published by Serrouya in Peer J discusses the complicated challenges of Woodland Caribou conservation and contraversial solutions. Changing landscapes–due to factors such as climate change, forest fires, logging and development–means it is more difficult for the the Woodland Caribou to survive. Other species such as moose and wolves are expanding their habitats and are competing with Woodland Caribou for resources, leaving scientists to consider experimental solutions.
Read more about the CMUs finding in these publications:
- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/30/science/moose-wolves-caribou.html
- http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-killing-moose-can-save-caribou-180964656
- https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vbbpk4/hunt-moose-to-save-caribou-that-are-killed-by-wolves-scientists-sa
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-caribou-wolf-cull-1.4269660
- http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1052941/chasse-loups-caribous-alberta-colombie-britannique