New WildTrax Release
DATE:June 28, 2023
TIME:12:00 PM -
1:00 PM (CST)
Enhanced image processing via MegaDetector v5, bounding boxes, new tagging options, customizable tagging forms, and more!
Want to use WildTrax but don’t know where to start? Or do you use WildTrax already but want to learn more about its new features? Join us on June 28th from 12 - 1 PM MDT for an overview of previously existing new WildTrax features!
The latest WildTrax release includes many new tools and enhancements to process remote camera image sets. Image uploading has been improved to allow users to run their image sets through the new Microsoft MegaDetector v5 (an open-source model that detects animals, people, and vehicles and classifies species via MegaClassifier v0.1*). The tagging interface has been improved to: a) include a static filters panel with new filtering options such as “exclude tagged” images, b) display bounding boxes around objects tagged by MegaDetector v5, adjust the threshold in which they are displayed, and toggle them on or off when zoomed in, and c) display images directly in the tagging pop-up, including while batch-tagging. Lastly, users can now customize the tagging form to include their preferred tagging field options, choosing from 18 possible fields, 12 of which are brand new to WildTrax.
Join us on June 28th from 12 - 1 PM MDT to learn more about these new features and how they can work for you! This webinar will be provided in English. *Note: we are in the process of assessing the accuracy of MegaClassifier v0.1 Beery S, Morris D. & Yang S (2019), Efficient pipeline for camera trap image review. arXiv:1907.06772. Retrieved from:
With the advent of new digital-based sensor technologies to collect environmental data, there's been a growing need for a platform where that data can be efficiently and effectively handled. This is where WildTrax comes in. WildTrax is designed to handle data from remote cameras, autonomous recording units and avian point counts. Whether you're looking to tag your remote camera images, or transcribe your audio files, WildTrax has tools for you.