Family Nature Nights: Winter Edition!
This special Winter Edition of Family Nature Nights will focus on different ways that animals adapt to the winter. Some stay, some leave, but all have special ways to cope. Come and join us at the free event and hear from experts about fur, camouflage, hibernation and migration!
CONTINUE READINGPredator-prey Dynamics: From Theory to Management Conference
An excellent opportunity for scientists, managers, students, hunters, and guide-outfitters to learn about some of the current thinking on predator-prey interactions for mammals and birds.
CONTINUE READINGDark Matters: ABMI at Telus World of Science
ABMI will be at Telus World of Science Edmonton adults-only night, Dark Matters! Join us from 6:30-10 pm as we explore the science of sound and rock n' roll. Learn how the ABMI monitors species using our ears, try out our equipment, and practice your birdly singing voice.
CONTINUE READINGABMI Presents New Citizen Science Tool at Earth Matters Conference
Elyse Williams, ABMI's Outreach Coordinator will be presenting " Spot. Snap. Post! Explore and Document Alberta's Biodiversity on NatureLynx: A New Citizen Science App."