Dr. Tyler Cobb
Dr. Tyler Cobb is a Research Associate and Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta who has served as Director of the ABMI’s Processing Centre since 2008. He currently manages a team of scientists responsible for the institute’s taxonomic research and delivering our plant, lichen and invertebrate datasets. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Cobb served as Curator of Invertebrates and Head of Life Sciences at the Royal Alberta Museum. A keen advocate for taxonomy with an aptitude for building lasting professional networks and developing strong scientific leaders, Dr. Cobb’s collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to science has resulted in numerous local and international partnerships aimed at biodiversity conservation and mitigating the ecological consequences of disturbance. He holds a PhD from the University of Alberta, a BSc and MSc from the University of Regina, and is recognized for his work in entomology, forest fire ecology, and species-level monitoring.